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Signs You Are Having a Baby Boy

When you are pregnant, it is normal for family and friends to speculate on the gender of the baby.  Some may also suggest that you are experiencing symptoms of a baby boy or girl.  These assumptions and myths arose from generations of curiosity, especially when scans were unavailable.  While predicting the sex of the baby based on symptoms can be entertaining, it should not be considered credible due to a lack of scientific evidence.

Signs You Are Having a Baby Boy

Determination of the Sex of a Baby

The sex of your baby is determined the moment the sperm meets the egg.  A baby receives 23 chromosomes from both parents at the time of conception.  Along with gender, factors such as eye color, hair color, and even intelligence are predetermined.

Around week 11 of pregnancy, your baby’s genitals begin to develop.  Still, you would be unable to learn the sex via ultrasound for several weeks.  Of course, expecting mothers and their families continue to make predictions.

Medical Ways to Find Baby Sex

Medical testing could provide an accurate result, and some methods can predict the gender of the fetus as early as the 10th week.

  • Blood Test

Doctors primarily use this test to detect chromosome problems.  Pregnant women can take this test at 10 weeks, and the results are usually available within 7-10 days.  Pregnant women over the age of 35 are usually able to benefit from the test.  A doctor may also recommend it if they suspect a chromosomal problem with the fetus.

  •  Amniocentesis

During this procedure, a doctor injects a thin needle through the skin into the uterus.  They will extract some amniotic fluid, which protects the baby during pregnancy.  The amniotic liquid contains cells and chemicals that can reveal genetic abnormalities, fetal infection and the gender of the fetus.  A doctor will usually perform amniocentesis after week 15, but only if there are concerns about genetic conditions.  Amniocentesis carries a number of risks, including the possibility of miscarriage.

  • Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

CVS, like amniocentesis, involves extracting tissue from the placenta with a needle.  This test can determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome or another chromosomal condition.  It can also determine the gender of the fetus.  CVS is available beginning in week 10 of pregnancy and has roughly the same risk of pregnancy loss as amniocentesis.

  •  Ultrasound

Ultrasound is typically used to determine the gender of your baby.  This will be done between the ages of 18 and 20 weeks.

The ultrasonographer will examine your baby’s genitals for markers indicating whether he or she is a boy or a girl.  This is a small portion of a larger anatomy scan.

Even if you have an ultrasound, the technician may be unable to determine the gender of your baby due to a variety of factors.  If your baby isn’t cooperating and isn’t in an ideal position, you may need to repeat the scan or wait to find out.

The Myths

Here are the top five myths regarding your child’s gender.  Remember that none of these claims are true.  They are myths, and they are just for fun.

Morning Sickness

You probably have heard that the severity of your morning sickness can indicate the gender of your baby.  The truth is that morning sickness varies from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy.  According to the theory, females have higher hormone levels.  You’ll feel more morning sickness as a result.  You should experience relatively little illness while sailing with boys.

 Skin Condition

Some people believe having a girl child will destroy the mother’s beauty.  However, you won’t get as much acne from boys.  A similar story involves the growth of hair.  With a boy, your hair will grow longer and become more lustrous.  With a girl, it will be lifeless and dull.  There is no truth in either case.  During pregnancy, hormones are insane and have varied effects on every woman.  Washing your face frequently can help to decrease acne.


When you have a baby boy, you crave salty and savory foods like pickles and potato chips.  It’s all about girls, candy, and chocolate.  There hasn’t actually been any detailed research on food cravings as an accurate sign of sex.  These desires are probably caused by your fluctuating nutrient needs.

Heart Rate

One of the most common gender myths revolves around your baby’s heart rate.  Unfortunately, despite sounding more scientific, there is no hard truth behind it.  The baby is expected to be a boy if the beats per minute are less than 140.  It’s a girl if her heart beats higher than 140.  There is no discernible difference between a boy’s and a girl’s heart rates in early pregnancy.

 Mood Swings

According to one myth, pregnant women who do not experience mood swings carry boys, whereas those who experience noticeable mood changes have girls.  The truth is that most pregnant women will experience mood swings, particularly during the first and third trimesters.

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